Has Vicky Magpie got a mate at last?
I told you about the male magpie Richie, who has been wooing Vicky since Maggie's passing. Well Tuesday morning, four birds (instead of three) landed to say hello to us. Vicky and her adult kids Mindy and Monty were there, as was a large handsome male magpie, all four loudly carolling out their territorial ownership. Who was the new male magpie?
It just didn't look like Richie, so perhaps poor Richie has lost his bid for love. We didn't get a chance to find out more. Monty, who disliked Richie, apparently isn't too pleased about his mum getting hitched again, no matter who the new guy may be. Monty snapped at the new male, who flew away back towards Vicky's territory.
Since then, when we call for Vicky, her usual trio came in to land and the male magpie stands on the power line loudly calling out his protection for the family. But, maybe in sensitivity for Monty's feelings, he hasn't landed close to us again - at least so far. We'll have to see how things develop.